Thursday, November 01, 2007

Is Eclipse MTJ dead? I hope not ...

.. and yet it appears to be. I've recently browsed the Eclipse Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) project pages (found here: and it seems to me that there has been no major development for quite some time now. Quoting the latest news from their web:

The first public release (0.7) was completed on November 06

And that my friends, is a year ago. I must say that I am rather sad about this. Even though I am a NetBeans fan and Mobility Pack committer I’ve always felt that it was competition (read ‘Eclipse’) that stimulated the NetBeans community to produce a better IDE. And all Java developers benefit through better tools.

If MTJ is truly dead it is certainly no favor to mobile developers. Competition sparks innovation and there is never enough of that. Let us hope I am wrong and MTJ is just getting ready to stun as all with some awesome tools.

In somewhat related news NetBeans 6.0 has been released as Beta2 and the FCS is so close I can nearly smell it. If you develop in Java then definitely check it out – it’s the best thing since The Simpsons made it to TV!


Unknown said...

No, not dead by any means..they are working on a 1.0 release in fact..

Anonymous said...

I don't think so -
still shows Latest Release 0.7 Thu, 23 Nov 2006 -- 15:18 (-0500)
which is more than a year ago, i think it's dead

Diego Madruga Sandin said...

The project is not dead. It is currently being rebooted. Check the Wiki pages for info (