Friday, August 15, 2008

Uninstall IntelliJ plugins on OS X

This is something that wasted nearly an hour of my time today and Google was of little help :(

At work we use IntelliJ and I am running OS X. I've installed the SVNbar plugin using the plugin browser in Idea. I restarted the IDE as asked but it would no longer come up - splash screen just hang there indefinetly.

Fine, I thought, lets just uninstall the plugin and I'll be fine.
Not so easy.
I couldn't find the plugin jars location on my harddrive (how ridiculous). It turns out that plugins go into:

USER_HOME/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIDEA70

which I found by pure stroke of luck.

Mean while the documentation reffers to:
which doesn't exist.

On that note - NetBeans 6.5 Beta is out. Oh NetBeans, how I love thee...


thumbthugger said...
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Unknown said...

Dude, You just saved my sanity!

I have just spent an hour trying to get Intellij Back after installing DBNavigator and was starting to loose it.

Just rm -r that boy in the plugins dir and im back up!



Unknown said...

My God, Thanks a thousand

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you very much. Very frustrating problem being stuck in the endless loop of restarting your IDE not knowing how to kill the misbehaving plugin.